Washing Machine Descaler is the star limescale remover in Ocado!
4 stars out of 5, 08 June 2018
“Machine smells clean. I tried this for the first time and whilst it is a hard one to review the machine smells clean, it is probably good to clean the machine regularly.”
– Mazpat
4 stars out of 5, 02 June 2018
“It definitely smells better.”
– v3884
3 star out of 5,23 May 2018
“its done its job!”
– poppies
3 stars out of 5, 09 May 2018
“I can assume that it has done the job. It is very hard to rate this product as it is intended to remove limescale/calcium deposits from deep inside the washing machine, drum and pipes and helps to prevent further build up. So visibly the washing machine looks
the same, therefore, I can only assume that it has done the job.”
– MikeC
4 stars out of 5, 05 May 2018
“Hard product to review! This product is a descaler which is designed to clear limescale from the heating element and is not a general machine cleaning product. As such it is hard to see if it has done anything, the heating element being hidden deep inside. Living in a hard water area I use similar products monthly and add a limescale deterrent product to every wash. This product was easy to use and hasn’t left any chemical smells so I see no reason not to recommend.”
– Claribel